Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome to the...

First of November!!!! Tada! Ya, never mind. Anyways, I just wanted to ask, how did your Halloween go? Was it scary? Was it boring? Did you at least have fun? I had fun, got to scare some kids, and got bonus candy cause they dropped their pails, boo ya! But, now, we are past Halloween, -Big Sigh goes here- yes I know, but we now have November and December to look forward to before the new year starts, along with a new Haloween... But to just let you know, I will continue every day to make sure that this place of weirdness is active, and alive.

So, like I said, I had an interview with someone, a special guy on newgrounds who goes by the name of ReklessCreati0n. His latest video will be down below, but to just let the fans out there know, this guy is awesome, and more people can do what they want to do as long as it's not going to take over the world. -Stray.

What made you first think of wanting to do a animation?
When I was younger, I was always drawing things and making up stories with my Legos. I always had a passion for creating entertainment for people. I didn't know what direction to go, but I was always trying to tell a story.
When did you first get started in making animations?
When I was in high school, I met a Korean exchange student who used to always be messing around with books. One day I decided to ask him what he was doing, he showed me some amazing flipbook animations that he had been working on. My mind was blown, I didn't know that doing something like that was possible for a kid to do. He showed me a few of his tricks and suddenly I became fascinated with animating flipbooks, as I kept practicing I eventually transferred over to computer animation with a version of Flash 5.
What was the first animation you created?
My first animation using Flash 5 is actually on Newgrounds under my old account. Since the flipbook margins were small I did a lot of stick figure fights, when I moved to flash I didn't know how to do much of anything, layers even confused me. But I worked through it and made some fun animations. This is actually my "First" animation ever done.
If you can tell reveal a secret, what is the next project going to be about?
I have a few things that I am working on actually, doing some management planning for A Girl in a Room II. I am finishing the script for Incognito 1.2. Also tinkering with the idea of doing a comedic short before launching Incognito.
Has there ever been a time when you just thought about giving up? If so, why?
Giving up on creating things is not an option for me, it's what drives me. As far as animation, it is a medium for me to express my creative ideas. I do have aspiration for branching out to learn how to work with Games, 3d, and Live Action.
And last question, if there anything that you could do in this world, what would it be?
Short Term: I have been trying to get into a school with a great animation program, but they all cost way too much.
Long Term: Work with a great company, (Games, Movies, Television)
Ambitious: Visit Space!

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