Monday, October 7, 2013

^0^ YES!!!!!!!

-Starts humming this is Halloween and dancing until spotted, falls over and the music stops- Oh! Hi! Sorry, I was umm... Nevermind, you saw nothing... Nothing! >////> Well, looks like this is the first year anniversary of Interesting Life, a fact that I didn't notice until today, when I finally got internet back, and when I stopped feeding little kids to the monster under my bed. Ah, October, I am finally happy, and somewhat back to my old, delusional, and sarcastic self, the time of the year with free candy, scaring people silly, and finally understanding that peoples houses are to be tepee-d, but only on the night before Halloween or it just makes you a giant douche. Anyways, for the past twenty-three years that I have been alive on this world, I have always loved the darker side of Halloween, past the sweets and the silly scares, to the reason why every single one of us still look under the bed, or the closet, or the dark hallway at night.

Yes, if you guessed demons, murderers, monsters that will eat your face off, or the paranormal, you are correct, if you guessed anything else, well, you don't understand anything at all, in which case you will die with some idiot monster eating your brain through your nose. So! In part of this wonderful time of year, there are the more popular among us that will scare us even more than we are, and make us have heart attacks through our ears... Yes, MrCreepyPasta is one of those that I hate when he does that, especially when I am home alone, and with my dog that decides to lick my hand at the most inopportune times! Gah!

Anyways, I don't have a story done today, but I am hoping that I will soon, especially since I am not as busy with things that don't make sense, such as my water running at night, and the door deciding to open with a creak when I'm about to fall asleep... >.> Just decided to check in, and be happy that I have over 1000 views on this page! Yes! Thank you all for that, even if it doesn't mean much as I get nothing from it! But anyways yes!

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