Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Veterans Day (Part 2)

I do apologize for getting this post out a little late as I was hoping that I could get the video that I was trying to record yesterday for like six hours, and five different video recording software. Ugh, I swear, if the next time I record something and I can't have audio I am going to shoot the next cat that walks under my window and feed it to the skunk that lives under my porch!!!! Okay! Enough of me whining!

Here is the next video that I wanted to show, it's a clip from the History channel, explaining when Veterans day first started, and why we continue to celebrate it to this day and age. Again, thank you all who fight in the armed forces, without your sacrifice I today might not have this chance to tell all why I am so thankful. I will hopefully get my brain back together with some more coffee and get everything back in order. -Stray.

Also! Here is a picture of me from the Koriko Con:

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