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Monday, November 11, 2013
Veterans Day (Part 1)
To our Veterans, we here at "Interesting Life" we just wanted to thank you for your amazing sacrifice for our country, to fight for the justice and liberty for all. As even we the people of this country are stupid, arrogant, and continue to give our government officials money for them doing nothing and blame them for our mistakes.
To honor our Veterans on this honorary day, I was looking for a tribute, but seeing at America in general only has a small cut set aside for them on the internet, I found something that I hope would be better than a tribute. As knowing that both my grandfathers fought in the Vietnam war, one who was a Ranger, and the other in the Navy. During my stay in a homeless mission, I encountered many homeless Veterans, some who felt lost, who felt that they had been abandoned by the very people they had fought to protect. While others such as a few good friends of mine told me stories of their deployments, and I saluted them, thanking them for their service.
To me, a Veteran isn't some old person that fought in a war that doesn't involve me, a Veteran is a honorable person, he or she has seen things that would make some of us weep, cry, or just give up. A Veteran fought for the honor of his or her country, for their family, for the innocent victims in the war that had been exploited by those who would do anything. I am more grateful to have known each and every Veteran that I have come into contact with each and everyday that I am alive.
The following video I found I hope explains to those that have not yet fully understood why our Veterans fought. -Stray
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