Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hooray!!! Hooray!!!

I'm alive, and did not get my self nibbled by Larry, it involved a water bottle, old people, and a raw rabbit! ^.^ Other than that I am fine, currently uploading a new video for Death's Door, I hope it works out. So, I've been bugged lately by a friend of mine to review a company by the title of Dark Foxhole Productions, I was bored so I did a little research of them. Well, they are on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, have their own blog... But one thing struck me as odd, not a lot of people seemed to know about them.

I went, okay, why is that? Sure Arizona isn't that famous except for being one of the states that is next to Mexicans and has Phoenix where someone does almost every half an hour. But, if someone is really trying, shouldn't they be noticed more? If anyone has actually been reading these posts, you'd understand that what I am trying to do is get the word out there for everyone that has a dream, rather that would be in animation, photography, music, or their very own film company.

So what am I trying to do? Well Duh! Get the name out there in the public domain to make a dream become reality! Hoopla! And since I am in the business for horror and scares I decided to showcase this particular video. Not their greatest, but for a slasher flick I have to give them props. Please make sure to subscribe to their channel below, click on the link to lick them and follow me for the latest news. -Stray.

Dark Foxhole Productions Facebook:

My Youtube:

My FaceBook:

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