With each and every day showing the worse that humanity has to offer, I at this moment in time can say no. No we cannot. We are entirely too dependent on what others tell us that we can't help but to be skeptical, the old ways are being overrun. Make way for the new, the more advanced, the more powerful.. The more stupid. Sure we are close to creating things that only authors in old science fiction books could imagine, but at what cost? Wars plague the planet in larger numbers then we have ever seen, viruses, diseases, death is ever more prevalent. Hunger is becoming more seen, senseless violence is now an everyday occurrence, and all we ever seem to do is work, go home, and watch TV before doing it all over again. College students cannot get the jobs they are working for in their degrees, and more debt is piling up each second that we are alive.
Can you possibly imagine what life is going to be like in twenty, thirty years from now? From this exact moment everything that we grew up with will change, children will barely remember what a rotary dial is, cellphones will no longer exist as scientists will come up with something that will directly interact with the human mind. That which we can remember will only be a memory while we stare into the distance.. Pollution is at an all time high, more babies are being born then ever before, and prices for everyday items continue to rise..
What is the truth of our lifetime as we see all that is happening around us and continue to ignore it? To be only in the now, to see our fleshy desires become first, to ignore the virtues our parents taught us just because those 'rules' are antiquated, outdated. Boys who think they are men continue to father little ones whom they will either hit, abandon or eventually kill. The children will be raises by single mothers or the state where they are statistically cited as having more mental problems then those growing up in a home with a normal family. Girls who think they are women will still look at themselves in the mirror and pretty themselves up, go out on dates with boys, get pregnant and either have an abortion, keep the baby and give it up to adoption, or raise the child alone with little to no hope.
I see the generation around me, I see so many wants and desires to please them that it sickens me, and I think to myself. Am I the only who doesn't see an attractive woman and instantly think about sex? Am I the only one that instantly looks at age, height, weight, clothes, the way she is walking, and who she is walking with? Her body language, the way that she smiles or is frowning? I feel like such an oddity for instantly trying to think about the person at hand instead of seeing them as personal gratification. When I was younger, yes I did see girls, women as that, but as I continued to grow, to mature, to sense that life wasn't all about me, I saw more. I try to stay attentive, I try to think about what tomorrow will bring and how I can prepare for that.
But apparently I cannot do that, I am to play my stereotype, the fat white nerd who is suppose to be into anime, be messy, be lazy, have no interest with real relationships, be into computers, and hate jocks because they get the girl. We as people categorize due to how we view the world as a whole, nerds are suppose to exist to not have a real life, jocks play sports and get the girls, blacks are suppose to like watermelon and chicken, Asians are suppose to be super smart, Native Americans to be drunk and so on and so forth..
Those are the myths, those are the lies that we tell ourselves that we are suppose to believe, men are suppose to do manly things, women do womanly things. Now there are those that challenge the status quo, those that say that things should change. But sheep are easily herded, sheep have no leaders and simply follow where everyone else is going. Those that stand against the hatred, the violence, the mindless obsession with things are branded as traitors, rebels, expendable, weird.. They are shunned by those around them, some are even killed, tortured, and forced to watch that what they had worked for their entire lives be burned.
We are selfish, despicable, rotten people, we would rather look out for number one instead of those around us that continue to suffer in silence. Religion is seen as something that needs to be replaced, god(s) have no place in today's world of soaring structures and technology. It's a crutch, right? Seen only as a thing that no longer has any basis. What if the religion that some look down doesn't hurt anyone? That the only thing that the religion wants to do is love others but only hate that which is deliberately hurtful to oneself? And the only thing you can do about is open your heart, to love those around you, and try not to let your fleshly desires overpower you? How is that hurting you in any way except help you to try and live a better life? Most people don't see it that way, it's a restraint on whatever they want to do, and go against it because they don't want to give up their desires.
The truth hurts, it stings, and no one likes it. But that is the legend, the legend of abilities, actions, and opinions that show that the sheep need to change. That which is a lie needs to change into the truth. But no one wants to do that, it's too hard, it's not fun. Who said that the truth was suppose to be easy? The truth is never easy, and most of us don't want to hear the truth, we couldn't handle it because we would rather live a lie! Is guilt easier to live with if we lie about it? Why do you think truth hurts at first? Because it exposes us, it shows our guilt, our inner secrets and we are afraid as a species to be judged. But after the guilt is gone, forgiven, it doesn't weigh you down anymore, you can more easily face the life that you lead, even if it has changed.
The myth mixed with a lie, will always be a lie. But the truth mixed with the myth will always become a legend. It shall forever stand the test of time, no matter who says what, who does what and when. We are mortals, we are fragile, we are nothing more then dust on the winds of time, here one second, gone the next. Thinking about this everyday is never easy, trying to go forward even when everyone is against you is the hardest thing you can do. I try every day, I keep being told that I can't do this and that, and it gets to me, and I fall further down into my hole of darkness and despair. And it hurts! It hurts when the ones you love leave you because they can't or are unwilling to see the myth. So let me give you this challenge, would you rather still live with a myth, or become a legend?
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My YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Reggier2d2
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