For those visiting for the first time, welcome, I'm sorry if you feel like you're reading something boring, and want to go somewhere else. I can't promise that you'll find a lot of interesting things, but I can promise you that truth, combined with the written word can have a strong effect on the human mind, only if you want to read further that is. It's currently raining right now, and it's cold out, from my vantage point on the second floor I can see very little activity, and it makes me feel more alone. All I can do is continue to write, to fight going forward and try to not let the past week drag me further into the despair that I am currently in.
If you were expecting someone trying to gain attention with the doom and gloom, I'm sorry to disappoint you, these are true thoughts, wants, from someone who feels so lost in this world that I don't know where to go, or who to turn to. I'm not someone seeking attention, I just want to reach out and help others realize that they are not alone as well, that the happiness they seek can be a reality, but they have to keep fighting. And I know it's hard and that life isn't fair, and that no matter what you try to do, you're thrown right back where you started, or even deeper than before.
If you've seen anime, then you know the meaning of friendship, and family, of fighting for what is right, and determined to be strong against all odds. For some that watch anime, they know all the characters, which ones are their favorites or least favorites, how they felt when someone got hurt or was killed. To me, they are a form of a modern hero, even though they aren't real, we see, feel, laugh, and cry with them, and want only for them to win in the end.
Real life, sadly, isn't an anime, it's not a fairy tale. We don't fight real monsters that try to destroy humanity, we don't have powers, or come from a long line of magic users. We don't get to save the girl or guy and defeat the villain. We are ordinary, with vast differences that cost lives at times, friendships, even families that can't agree on something. And sometimes we wish so very hard to be someone different, to use abilities, to use a mech, to make peace with those around us, to fight against the very thing driving everyone around you apart! For then, anime is not only a cartoon, our heros come alive, and we yell and we scream for them to come help us in our lives that is so torn down, broken apart that we don't know what to do!
Where can't I be a hero!? Where can I go to save my mom and dad to stop fighting? Why can't I just be someone special that can save people and fight for what I know is right? Why can't I just be a hero who has friends that I can rely on to help me? Can't I do anything to stop the evil I see around me!? To save those in need?
And yet, it never happens, our family breaks apart, people die from needless violence, while others go hungry, go without a home, a place where they can feel safe in the storm called life. Today we seem to only care about ourselves, about what we go through, or want to go through. We have so many wants for ourselves that we barely see beyond our own world to see that the person sitting next to us has just lost their mother in a car accident. That their father or husband who went to fight for the right of others has been killed in a roadside bombing.
The modern heroes that we so want, are the men and women that decide to go against their selfish nature and help those in need, so that the tyrants who want everyone to do what they want cannot go one step further. To stop hurting another person, to stop brainwashing them into believing the very thing that they detest. To save those people in a burning building get away, to rescue someone from drowning, or being swept away by a flash flood. To help someone out of a car that is ready to explode from the leaking fuel, to make sure that the sick can become well..
I recently just heard that someone who I left an encouraging message on their own blog needs help with medical expenses. She until recently was a cutter, felt alone, and wanted it to all just end. Her boyfriend, and now fiance' was the only person in her life that continued to be there for her. I really don't know the details, but she asked me to see if anyone was willing to help her. I told her that I would.. To be someone who helps others is usually a thankless task, but to help someone, anyone, is an honor that we as humanity should do no matter what. So I ask you this, will you help someone today? Will you be willing to donate money for a stranger, to give up a few dollars to help this woman's fiance' that helped save her life? Will you be her modern hero?
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