Sure I could go on with the news, that Russia invaded Ukraine, that both sides don't want bloodshed. that Scotland is going to vote for independence from the UK... On and on, but right now, those are things outside of my control, but I am going to put links below so that you guys can show your support.
So, ya, many, many, things are going on in the world, from invasions, to people fighting over who get to do what. I mean, come on, if we really wanted to become a unified world, but made up of so many different people; then I think that we as humanity would work together, not prove who is right or wrong. Stupid people...
So back to my topic, I am currently in class, listening to my English teacher teach us all about different nouns, and I can see several people slowly losing focus. Kinda funny, knowing that if I was paying actual attention I might actually learn more than I do. But, keeping this blog, and you, my wonderful readers here and alive is also part of my duty. But please, take a look at Exam Stress by Articunoboy 12, he has about 31 uploads, dealing from animations to real life things. Exam Stress made me smile, and so I wanted to share all of this with you guys, because I care. So please, always come back to check the latest news, from silly things to things that matter, and remember, never give up. -Stray.
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