Now, I know some of you are guessing what the title means, domination, what is he talking about? He's not into that kind of kinky stuff again right? For one, I've never been into that in the first place, and two, I write horror stories, the kinky stuff is behind me.
One of my personal pet peeves would be domination, of both men and women, it's totally wrong and so not what I wanted to start off with! Onwards! I have no regrets! (I regret everything). Domination to me personally is like taking a piss and crap on the floor of your bathroom and nothing bad to ever come out of that. A few hours later, you still have piss and crap on your floor and boy does it smell, so what are you going to do about, ignore it or do the right thing and clean it up? It's what mankind does to itself, time and time again, it craps and pisses on the floor and expects no consequences.
Men degrading women and viewing them as anything lower then an equal, women degrading men because they want to feel powerful in a life that felt powerless. And it all boils down to power, the power of commanding other people around, and having that fleeting sense that you are in control. Please, men, I do not apologize for our stuck up behavior, as seeing women as nothing but bouncy boobs are a piece of ass to do with as we please and then continue on our merry way. Sadism, machismo, the body reprogrammed in a way that pain equals pleasure and what better way then a power hungry person seeking to do that reprogramming, am I right?
It just pisses me off that we as a society have degraded as the years have gone by, I'm not saying that as guys didn't have the urges that we do know, they knew the evils that could come from it and most refrained from taking that difficult road. Slavery is still in existence, men and women used and abused because some asshole gets a hard on from seeing power being used in a way that was never intended! And it makes me so pissed that they even think it's okay to! Fuck them! I even swore a few times when I saw women being abused by their drunk boyfriend and beat the ever living shit out of them. I become livid when I see all of this around me and no one gives because you know, you don't bother me and I won't bother you.
AHHHHHH! Get it through your thick skulls people! We are all equals, we are not dogs that you can pet, we are not animals for you to tame! We are the same as you! So take that delusional self of yours and come see me, I will make sure you will never walk, or talk or live again! -Breaths heavily and takes some time to calm down.- I don't know if this is even going to help, but remember, you are a living person, you are loved, and people care about you even if you never met them, They're not looking to take advantage of you, they know that we are all equals, and delusional assholes male or female need to be knocked down a few notches and have their asses thoroughly beat hard! It's also why I hate disrespect, and the need to try and prove yourself to someone that doesn't care except for the fact that you are doing anything because you are doing what you're told like a puppet. Remember, you are an equal, you are not property, you do not belong to base desires! So grow up! And fight for your freedom as an unique individual!
Now, on a side note, don't take anything of what I said out of context, too many people do that enough as it is and it causes too much trouble. Teachers are in charge, do not disrespect them, parents are in charge, do not disrespect them, unless you are being bullied, or abused, by those in charge, don't do anything that will get your butt in hot water. Grow up with self-respect, know your limits, you are not God, you do not have the power to control and manipulate other people to your own will, or I will kick your ass and make sure that you never live again. Also remember that you are a free individual, never do anything against your moral or ethical character, never cheat on your humanity, it's not healthy and will never end peacefully. -Stray/
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