Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Laptop Charger

Hey, due to circumstances, beyond my control, as of this moment in time, my laptop charger cord is done permanently. Yes, it won't even do anything when I mess around with it anymore, which sucks as I was working on a few good stories for Interesting Life. This is only going to be a temporary thing mind you, if any of my readers and followers do see me online, it might be because of A) I went and hooked up the internet to my moms windows 8 computer... B) I went to the library, C) I finally got a new cord, and D) last, and least likely to happen, my cord worked again for the few moments I can coax life out of it.

Other then my fast writing, and my constant look down at my battery bar, I wish all of you a great summer, and I will do better on posting. If I can remember to actually do something that doesn't involve real life getting in the damn way! Gah! Jeez, it's just one thing after the other, I bet even Einstein didn't have these roadblocks when he was working on his equations! So, besides my ranting, and raving, I will make sure to also put up a warning on YouTube which will most likely kill the battery I have left. But remember, this is only a temporary thing, a temporary thing, a temporary... -User Straydog has left the internet, User Hypno has oVerRiDden Mmy Pr0toC0ls...-

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