Ah, who am I kidding? I rush to make sure that before my day is started, I plan to make sure that before that day I made sure that it was planned, and I planned around that day from the previous day, etc.
Rushing seeming to be apart of our lives in modern day America, from rushing to check out the latest movie to see who can get work done the fastest. And this is for all people that live in the states, I don't know about everyone else because I haven't studied or been outside of the USA.
The only people that don't seem to rush are children, especially those that are going into middle and high school and those after the age of 60.
So to demonstrate what I am talking about is a cute and very amusing animation by latviacrafters that combines traditional animation and Skrillix music, and I think it was pulled off very well. So please make sure to check out the link below the video to check out the animator to subscribe and like. And I will also see you guys with the latest news and complaints. -Stray.
My FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Straydog
My YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Reggier2d2
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