Monday, February 24, 2014

Coffee on the Bus...

Sounds like the title of a crappy book or movie, but in fact it is actually the start to my day, after waking up that is. So I got up like I was suppose to, did what I was suppose to, got to the bus stop with a creepy stalker like I was suppose to.

 And then I got on the bus, heading to the back to work on a few mistakes for English homework, and the bus lurched.

 Normally this isn't a problem, normally my coffee doesn't hit a metal bar, normally I'm not yelled at by the bus driver...  

I guess I should say that normal isn't me, but for my wonderful viewers I guess that things aren't the best for me at this time. Been super busy which is why I started several Reviews on my YouTube page, but haven't finished them. My fault really, but I can't help but think that I wouldn't be writing for you guys if it wasn't for the coffee mess. But, I guess that means that I have a great video to go along with this, right?

Well... I'll let Coffee Break by Three - Legged Dog productions let you know that, but please also click on the link below to go see more, subscribe and life. And I will continue to bring you the latest in news that is often not really relevant. -Stray

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Not use to seeing myself in such a state...

No really, this past couple of weeks has had me wonder what on Earth has gone on, from Valentines Day, to Presidents Day, to rushing to finish homework and then, almost nothing. A state of time where time itself made a dent in my otherwise perfect record of rushing.

Ah, who am I kidding? I rush to make sure that before my day is started, I plan to make sure that before that day I made sure that it was planned, and I planned around that day from the previous day, etc.

Rushing seeming to be apart of our lives in modern day America, from rushing to check out the latest movie to see who can get work done the fastest. And this is for all people that live in the states, I don't know about everyone else because I haven't studied or been outside of the USA.

 The only people that don't seem to rush are children, especially those that are going into middle and high school and those after the age of 60.

So to demonstrate what I am talking about is a cute and very amusing animation by latviacrafters that combines traditional animation and Skrillix music, and I think it was pulled off very well. So please make sure to check out the link below the video to check out the animator to subscribe and like. And I will also see you guys with the latest news and complaints. -Stray.

Friday, February 7, 2014

I don't want to admit it...

But I cried, I swear, if things weren't so sad, I would have been stronger... I guess I should start from the beginning, I've been on a binge of researching what to put in the current game, and story(s) that I've been doing. I got done with homework, mostly, yesterday and I got bored, so I just set down with a fresh Let's Play... And now, here I am crying, wondering how on Earth could someone go through Hell, and torture and... And... It's from a game called Richard & Alice, I'll put a link below where you can get the game, but, what I witnessed, there is a part toward the end, I'm not going to spoil it.

But there is a talk between Alice and The Priest, and it was about her child, and a thought came to me, would I do that in her situation? Would I, as a single parent, do this to my child, a child that I loved more then anything? I don't really think I could, I have three younger brothers, and I love them, even if they drive me insane, but I would do anything for them. You see, when we are in a situation that is out of our control, we as humans often do one of three things, continue to try to take hold of the situation, turn to God or a variation thereof, or lose all sense of common decency and morality?

I'm not trying to say that situation comes up often, but, what if it does? When my uncle died, I went into a deeper depression then I have known before, and I have yet to really come out of it. I have positive influences around me, and I don't feel that bad, but it comes up at times. And then I watch videos like these that pull on my heart stings and I get all emotional, especially when it comes to children. But, give the game a look at, and let me know what you think. And as always, make sure to check back for the latest news and reviews. -Stray.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Review with ZeroSnake

ZeroSnake sitting comfortably in his chair

I waited a while for this interview to come back, to be honest I was about to give up and paste the story that I had been working on, based off of Beyond: Two Souls, and Nether, both games that have in their own right, a sense of death, despair, and insanity. And their own loopy things, at least they have that nice sci-fi depth that always goes good with the audience.

But to be honest, Nether doesn't really have much of a back story, while Beyond: Two Souls made my cry like a little baby, better then any movie ever, no matter what you say. And I guess, I write about things that move me, such as the two above mentioned games, but whatever, now is a good time to celebrate.

As I was saying I finally done and interviewed another wonderful person, but this very talented individual who goes by the name of ZeroSnake. I've seen a few of his previous animations before, and never thought to put two and two together before I decided to do a blog like this. From what I found out about him, is that he is both a painter and an animator, and he doesn't give up, starting to be seen in the animation community as a true pro. Here below is the review that hopefully some of you guys would like to read, also below will be a link to his NewGrounds and FaceBook account and his latest animation; please make sure to like and or follow. Also, make sure to always check in for the latest review, story or just plain video that I find to share. -Stray.

 Sorry for the delay I had an interview with AfroPunk, sure I'll give these a crack.
First off I'd like to say thank you for this chance, okay here we go!

1. When did you first start to make animations?

 I realized that I wanted to make what I saw on TV as soon as I saw Dragon Ball Z on TV as a child, I started drawing shortly after that, it wasn't until high school that I decided to take my animations seriously and put away the flip books and MS paint and invest in the most popular program which was Flash CS3 at
the time.

2. What made you go with your current style?

 My current style is influenced mostly by kung fu movies, action anime, and hip hop. These three things played a big role in my child hood, so my work tends to take from that a bit. For example in A!M there is record scratching in the intermissions. For ZeroSnake City [where I animate random shorts] it starts off with a record spinning and even has a character named "Bruce Lay". Fireworks is a similar case, even though I took a new route and made it a love story it featured music from Nujabes originally and now has music from DJ Okawari for its final mix.

3. What makes you work so hard on your animations and paintings?

 The biggest rule that I try to stick to is not to compare myself to other web animators; instead I compare myself to work created by a studio. Once I had that mind set my animations really took a turn and gave birth to the animated project A!M. I take my work seriously and often fall asleep when others are waking up, and post sticky notes on my Cintiq saying things like "stay on the grind" which usually gives me a smile. I try to keep myself relevant doing workshops, and galleries in my area. Usually hosting free workshops for kids, just to be a gate for them to express themselves.

4. Did you start painting first and then go into animating or visa verso?

 I actually animated before I got into painting, it was only after I returned home from living in the Middle East for a quarter of a year that I felt the urge to take my painting seriously. I became fond of political leaders like Huey P. Newton and Che Guevara so one of my first paintings was a set of three revolutionaries the connected at the soldiers. And I've been painting since, I even got the honor of being asked to paint for Mayor Segarra.

5. Could I get my own picture painted, for a light fee of course?

 Sure just commission me, I'll be happy to do it. I get the question a lot and they are fun to do so I set up an easy way to request to get work done on

6. And last but not least, what words of wisdom do you have for my readers for those looking to animate and or paint?

 The best thing I can say is have fun with it. I wouldn't be working on A!M ep.3 if I didn't love it. Also get out there, where ever there is people the stage has been set. I displayed my art in parks and street corners and it works. Anywhere can be a gallery, just be confident in your work, and remain professional. Also get to know your surroundings draw people you see, host workshops [that looks great on resumes], and know what grants are available around you; you can only gain from the experience. No one is going to make your story for you, so get cracking on turning some heads!

ZeroSnake's NewGrounds: