Monday, January 20, 2014

My how the time fly's by..

I didn't realize it, but the last post was my 100th post, and I don't think that I would of gotten so far if I didn't have such an awesome readership base. With over forty views now each day, besides for the few times that I don't post or forget to do stuff, I just wanted to thank each and every one of you that reads this. For the interviews I've done with several animators, for the stories from myself and Blood Raven 117, for the friends that I have gotten to make through doing this blog.

To me, this blog isn't really a place that I write random stuff and go, "that's that," no to me, this is a beginning of a place where any and all people can come together and share their stories, or reviews, or complaints, and not say what or who they want to see next.... >.> Comments are always appreciated, please comment and let me know so that I can reach other people with what is out there that deserves to be shared. Sure, I do some big time names, but most of the time, what I share, what I review they're small guys, but they have talent that should be shown off. To make them proud of what they have created, and let them know that their are people willing to say, "Go for it, don't stop."

Alright, I'll stop being weird and sappy, and since this isn't my usual character I need to make you all roll your eyes and wonder why you even bother to stay with me and "Interesting Life." Now, this isn't an animation but a book, more like a Graphic Novel, it's by Doug Tennapel, no I haven't read anything else by him but I did like what I read, even if I did ruin the library book and had to buy a new one... The style is like some young adult graphic novels that I've read but it's pretty neat. No I am not going to ruin it but, you are all going to enjoy it, especially with Garth. I suggest you read it and the eBook is only $10, so a great deal.  Click on the picture to go to Amazon to get the book if you want, and as always stay in tuned for more news from me. -Stray.  (Also doing a special picture to thank you all)

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