Friday, October 18, 2013

Bleh... v.v

Ugh, I feel queasy, only because I have had both a flu shot and a tetanus shot within two days of each other, I really don't see why they decided to stick me with needles only except that they want me healthy and safe... Or want to nibble on me flesh like a pack of ravenous dogs, or some other explanation that I really don't want to come up with. So, again, no comments, but more traffic, which is a good thing, I guess. Meh, as long as you guys are happy, then so am I. Now, this next gentlemen I have known for the past few years, is a good friend of mine, and is yet still single, ladies? >.>

CRuixoteGaming is in part a very small Let's Player not very well known, can cuss more than your grandfather and yet can still make you smile, and or shoot yourself in the foot. Yes, I know he needs to work on his commentary, his looks, and his social status... But just hear him out, comment and or subscribe on his Youtube channel, let him know where you found him and let me know what you want to see next. And remember, always feed the monster under your bed before midnight, unless you want to have little baby monsters and you find yourself adopting them. -Stray.

P.S. Again, I could not upload the video due to the fact that neither Youtube or my Internet want to work with my right now. -Stray. 

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