Thursday, September 5, 2013

One month left...

I think it is really interesting that life, is more important death, I think it should the other way around. But that's just me, and if you really met me, you would know that I am kidding. I guess things work out one way or another, I have another chapter done, October, my favorite month is coming... Hmmm... I wonder if I should have this long and somehow curios story done by then? I don't really know?

Chapter Four
“I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”
Clarence Darrow

I’m not sure, when I opened my eyes again, everything was blurry, and a man was gently shaking my shoulder. “Hey Doc, you okay?” I groaned in pain as my neck was at an odd angle and it hurt when I pushed up on rubbery arms. “Come on Doc, you know how John gets when you fall asleep.” I smiled when he mentioned my bosses name; Paul Harvey sure knew how to make me watch my toes. I sat up from off the desk, and looked around, everything was as it should have been, no blood, no missing bodies, and no crazed, serial killer with a meat cleaver wanting my head.
I yawned and stood, stretching and testing my aching body that had been cuddling the hard desk in the office area. “Sorry Paul, must of dozed off…” “It’s alright, happens to me when things are slower than usual.” I nodded, feeling sympathetic towards those slow nights when there was nothing to do but wait. He had a gurney with him, which was why he was down here in the basement waking me up. “Who did you bring in?” I inquired, even after that mad dream, I still was curious how people died, not how I would die mind you, but it would be helpful to someone in the future.
Paul took a look at the sheet and grimaced with pain, his arthritis must have been acting up again, poor guy. “Jason Mcreedy, the young man at the gas station off of Main and Fifth, death was at approximately 11:15 P.M. A young lady had found him dead, leaning against the counter. Cause of death, we don’t know, which was why we came to you.” I frowned, Jason was always such a good-natured kid, if he died, which was tragic, what did he die of?
“Thank you Paul.” I said simply as I wrote on the paper signing the release of his corpse to the hospital and me. He nodded and sighed. “Tell me what you find out alright? His family is going to be devastated, told me last week when I stopped in that his sister was getting married.” Life, and death, was the ying and yang of our lives, once you were born, your life would always lead to death, one way or another. What I didn’t know was that my life would end this night, the same as Jason Mcreedy, who found his rest before his time was supposed to be up.
When Paul left I looked down at the gurney and sighed, this was one of the worst parts of the job. A friend or even a loved one that would show up in her Morgue made her sick, the first time it had been an old boyfriend from High school. She had thrown up when she cut open his chest, the teacher had sighed but didn’t yell at her, she was later told that was a normal response for first time students. She didn’t tell him that she had loved him, but it didn’t matter, not after that, she kept a straight face, and did her work with a grim outlook on life.
The sheet that uncovered the body of Jason, however, made her almost cry out with fear and wonder. A normal corpse, freshly dead still retained some color, with slight discoloration, the lips would still be red, but tinged with a light blue. She got closer, placed a hand on his cheek, and jumped back with a shiver that ran down her spin. Whatever had happened to Jason, he had been subject to a cold death. His skin was as white as fresh fallen snow, his flesh did not retain any residual heat, and his lips were the darkest blue she had ever seen, This did call for an investigation…
While she went to get her tools, the stainless steel doors that housed the dead changed to a Scarlet color, a young girl, with black hair and a torn white gown appeared. She looked around, and smiled, malice and anger appeared in her steel grey eyes, a man had called her, but failing to find the source, she found the next best thing, a woman in a white lab coat that played with the dead. But before Casey had returned, she disappeared, waiting for the right time to play with her prey.
I felt the room grow suddenly colder, and I swore that for just a moment, I could see my breath. I shook my head, and everything was the same again. I must have been more tired than I thought as a yawn was stifled. ‘Maybe I should of asked for the day shift, and be able to sleep at night, it would be nice to be in my bed.’ The thought came to me, and I yawned again but didn’t try to abate it. My neck began to hurt again, ‘damn dreams and their ability to seem so real,’ I cursed silently, if this night could get any worse, I couldn’t see it.
“Subjects name is Jason Mcreedy, sex, male, height about five foot seven, weight about one hundred and eighty pounds. Subject announced dead at approximately eleven O’clock P.M. on ten, twenty-eight two thousand and twelve. Hair is a dark red, no lacerations located on the body, and no birthmark sighted.”
I sighed as I clicked off the tape recorder, of all the people, it had to be Jason. I knew him less, only talking to him when I went to buy something at night, and as far as I could tell, he was a sweet kid. A little silly with the jokes he told me, but as gentle as a butterfly. Mustering up the strength to see what had killed him, I tried to take a blood sample but instead of slow moving blood, I got nothing, absolutely nothing out of him. Growling in annoyance slightly I cut open a small portion of his wrist, red ice crystals fell out instead of what I expected, and they quickly began to melt into a small puddle of red blood.
Curious as to what had happened I quickly put some of the crystals in a small vial and put them in the freezer in the back. And returned to find that the blood, and ice had simply vanished, nothing, no blood puddle, and no ice crystals. Nothing this night was making sense, not the dream or Jason being frozen solid, or the people yelling, I whimpered in my tiredness, as if God himself was laughing at my misfortunes.
I took a step back with fright as Jason’s corpse sat up suddenly and turned his head, I think I screamed as I felt like my heart was going to burst. Nothing else happened, I waited a few minutes, and cautiously took a step forward and held my breath, I was losing it, the body was going through Rigor Mortis, and I mistook it that he was still alive. I gently pushed him back down and wheeled him to his locker and transferred him from the stretcher to the cold metal table, pushed him into the meat locker and shut the small door behind the body.
I leaned against the stretcher and rubbed my temples, I silently wished that tonight was going to get better, that nothing else would go wrong. How foolish I was being, the truth was right in front of me but I refused to see it, my life would be distinguished in front of my eyes, and as my body would be lifted up and drained with my throat slashed, my last thoughts would be of my husband, and my cat…

I yawned again, I needed to stop being so negative, things would not end like that, I wondered if I was going crazy. Yeah, that would be a nice step in a new direction, insanity from whatever was going on.  Looking around, and noticing that I had nothing to do now, besides rack my head for answers to questions I had no knowledge of. A quick walk would do me some good, to clear myself of the heaviness that seemed to have invaded my morgue and my senses.

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