"What is it about the dark that either scares us, or entices us? Is it the fact that the unknown which can be seen in the light is hidden from us when the moon and stars come out? Or is it that the legends and myths that man during the generations that man has come with concur with the dark.
If we must really think about it, what scares us the most? The fact that we are helpless against the unknown, that which scares us. It comes in many forms, but it is the feeling of helplessness that we feel when faced with the possibility that it is something out of our control. We can yell at those in the house to not investigate the other rooms and to run, it is because we can see and know what is about to happen.
It really is funny and ironic, that we as a species are more scared of the unseen then most animals. We really have no say about what we want in life, shambling from one thing to the other. Not questioning where we go or what we do, just accepting it as the norm of society. It is why we stay near the light, why we have nightlights, and make devices that give us the ability to see in our dark surroundings.
Does this mean that when we are alone, when we know that there shouldn't be anyone else around, that we are most fearful? Being alone is one thing, it means that we can't go to someone and be near them, or talk or yell when we want to. Being alone is one of my greatest fears, and I fear it more then anything that may walk this Earth..."
Now, what is it really that scares you? Is it the dark? Death? Bunnies? Why do you think this is what scares you the most? The questions are for each and every person to discover on their own journey through this life. It what makes us human, or a dog, in my case. I'll leave you with just a small question to make you think for the rest of day, or night. If death is only the beginning, as some cultures believe, then why do we as a species so desperately want to avoid it? -Stray