Sorry for being late with a post, but the rest of the week, Interesting Life is going to be taking a break and will return in January. -Stray.
Where stories of all shapes and colors are posted, beware though, once you enter, it may not be possible to leave.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Monday! It's Monday!
A time to... Oh, wait, sorry I was impersonating someone else for the moment. Anyways, it's a Monday, and this Monday is only two days away from Christmas, oh man what a site... With some snow, which I suppose is better than no snow which has happened for the past few years. So! I guess you're all wondering what I have up my sleeve, yes? No, don't say no and stop shaking your head... I can see that you're doubtful, servers are either down or not full at all, families driving and planeing all around the country to visit distant relatives. Yes planeing is a word, I didn't just make it up because it sounded as if they were flying the plane.
But I do, I have something very nice to share with you all, a group on YouTube, hey, no groaning or moaning and going, "Is he series?" Well for one thing I am very cereal, and another, this group is amazing with their special effects. And while I was dicking around trying to get my vocals to get heard over some music I listened to them.
CorridorDigital is amazing, sure what they create can make you stare and that is a well earned side effect to their world of awesomeness. From Dubstep Guns, to a nice little series called Tether, (hopefully the next episode will come out soon) these guys play hard and work hard and it shows. With over Two Million subscribers and over Two Hundred Six views, these guys deserve the support they get with what they make. From Glitches in games to Exploding Barrels nothing really seems to stop CorridorDigital from making it big. And for the longest time I couldn't find the video I wanted to showcase for them, something that from their works stood out and to impress you guys. At last I found it, hopefully, one of their best videos, my wonderful viewers, enjoy! Also please click on the link below and subscribe and like while also following me for the latest of news, that I am slow on. -Stray.
But I do, I have something very nice to share with you all, a group on YouTube, hey, no groaning or moaning and going, "Is he series?" Well for one thing I am very cereal, and another, this group is amazing with their special effects. And while I was dicking around trying to get my vocals to get heard over some music I listened to them.
CorridorDigital is amazing, sure what they create can make you stare and that is a well earned side effect to their world of awesomeness. From Dubstep Guns, to a nice little series called Tether, (hopefully the next episode will come out soon) these guys play hard and work hard and it shows. With over Two Million subscribers and over Two Hundred Six views, these guys deserve the support they get with what they make. From Glitches in games to Exploding Barrels nothing really seems to stop CorridorDigital from making it big. And for the longest time I couldn't find the video I wanted to showcase for them, something that from their works stood out and to impress you guys. At last I found it, hopefully, one of their best videos, my wonderful viewers, enjoy! Also please click on the link below and subscribe and like while also following me for the latest of news, that I am slow on. -Stray.
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Thursday, December 19, 2013
Rogue Hero
If you haven't noticed much their has been a butload of ads for the new Dungeons and Dragons online game, and if you haven't even heard about the game, well, somethings wrong with you, seriously wrong. See, D&D is one of the oldest RPG's out there, it was popular before the internet became a big thing, nerds and geeks such as myself need to have a large imagination, which does not just include naked, busty manga women, no matter what you think. >.>"
Anyways, as I was saying, you need a pretty powerful and creative imagination for D&D, because that is all you have, the character you rolled up with his or her stats, and then the dungeon master who helps you along your way, or just make you fall into a pit of lava for kicks. Besides the point I decided to see if I could get into the action for this NeverWinter gig and low and behold, nothing, I can't even sign in even after changing my password. I swear if all these nerds don't stop I am going to beat their asses!
Besides this fact I really am hoping to play and review it when I get the chance. So please look at the video or click the link below to get a sense of how this is going to play out, and to follow me for the latest news. -Stray.
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tis The Season To Be Jolly...
For now, I want to introduce ShireLiveMedia, but only one of their videos, as it was an animated one, and not a regular music video. They are a church in Sydney, Australia and that is all the info that their YouTube page gives. So please for the wonderful Christmas season click on the link below, subscribe and like while also following me for the latest in news. -Stray.
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013
We did it!
Which also includes my sister thinking that I have a good heart and that someday I will save Whoville and eat a Whoroast or whatever the thing is called. I mean, really, Whothis and Whothat, did Dr. Seuss write and draw while on shrooms? And if so where can I find his stash?
Also if none of this witty and sarcastic banner sounds familiar then you must know a good friend of mine who owns a channel called CinemaSins, and that is who I am going to promote today. A good dose of sarcastic and witty sense that all movies should have. I mean seriously, if some movie producers actually went over some of the scenes they shot then movies would be at least 50% better. Good grief, Hollywood has run out of stuff already and are now using old bubblegum to make new bubbles.
And yes this is "Another blogger already blogging and ragging on Hollywood again Cliche" but hey, at least I do try and make things funny. So for the latest in the Christmas tradition I am presenting CinemaSins and his keen eye that counts every sin found in movies so far. So please click on the link below, subscribe and like while also following me for the latest news. -Stray.
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Monday, December 16, 2013
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, I hope you catch on fire...
Please don't hate my jolly holiday spirit it's as jolly as I get around Christmas, and anyone who says that saying Christmas is offensive can eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Now, since we got that out of the way I decided to go hunt around for something that can bring a smile to the masses who decide to come by and wonder why they decided to keep reading. I wanted to find something simple, and not the usual Christmas crap that you can find this time of year, not that the animations are crap but the things people present, you know, buy this or buy that...
Bleh! they can go eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee oh well, I guess money and being "politically correct" is more important then sharing and caring and actually being happy with a present instead of whining about what you didn't get. I should probably go talk to Foamy, and get his opinion about all this stuff.
Wait, I got sidetracked again, sorry, anyways, I finally found a good little animation by Hikarian Animations, a pretty good animator and I like her style, and message. So please for this Christmas don't make me come to your house and start tearing your insides all over the floor and on the ceiling and then blaming Santa for you being on the naughty list.
And click on the link below to subscribe to her channel and like while also following me for all the latest news. -Stray.
Bleh! they can go eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee oh well, I guess money and being "politically correct" is more important then sharing and caring and actually being happy with a present instead of whining about what you didn't get. I should probably go talk to Foamy, and get his opinion about all this stuff.
Wait, I got sidetracked again, sorry, anyways, I finally found a good little animation by Hikarian Animations, a pretty good animator and I like her style, and message. So please for this Christmas don't make me come to your house and start tearing your insides all over the floor and on the ceiling and then blaming Santa for you being on the naughty list.
And click on the link below to subscribe to her channel and like while also following me for all the latest news. -Stray.
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Friday, December 13, 2013
I would watch this, this amazing, beautiful trailer and give them all my money! It makes me fanboy all over the place and that I will report makes me giggle with anticipation, I had no clue that someone would make a crossover between two of the greatest people in television history. AHHHH!!!!
Okay, I'm done fanboying and I also wanted to thank my good friend Corina Chance for showing this to all her friends, even if I wasn't the "Intended recipient." >.>" Don't judge me.
Anyways, the person called John Smith on YouTube made me want to delve further into what on earth he was doing and came across five videos, five simply brilliant videos, and it also met my quota for sharing today, so two birds with one stone.
John Smith doesn't have any information regarding him on his account, except to say that after seven months of the account being open he does have over 12,000 subscribers, and over 1 million views, which to say, sounds about right. Now! I am putting the link below, but I am also asking that you judge for yourself rather this mysterious man deserves the praise that people give him, or judge, but don't be too harsh. So please click on the link below, subscribe and or like and make sure to follow me for the latest of news. -Stray.
Okay, I'm done fanboying and I also wanted to thank my good friend Corina Chance for showing this to all her friends, even if I wasn't the "Intended recipient." >.>" Don't judge me.
Anyways, the person called John Smith on YouTube made me want to delve further into what on earth he was doing and came across five videos, five simply brilliant videos, and it also met my quota for sharing today, so two birds with one stone.
John Smith doesn't have any information regarding him on his account, except to say that after seven months of the account being open he does have over 12,000 subscribers, and over 1 million views, which to say, sounds about right. Now! I am putting the link below, but I am also asking that you judge for yourself rather this mysterious man deserves the praise that people give him, or judge, but don't be too harsh. So please click on the link below, subscribe and or like and make sure to follow me for the latest of news. -Stray.
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Thursday, December 12, 2013
We are on are way
At least I hope so, I really can't tell anymore, but at least I know that the viewers or readers are becoming more steady. Which is a very good thing, and I will have to think of something once we pass the 2,000 view mark, and get five more comments. That's what really irks me I guess, lack of comments, not that it should matter to me, but it does... Oh well...
Anywho since I woke pretty early this morning and did most of what I needed to do I decided to look around for more unique things, and I found something, a website of sorts, a place called "Damn Interesting", and as I scrolled through I nodded and thought to myself, 'this deserves recognition, not only is the articles interesting, but, they actually make sense.'
Now I know what you are all thinking, what does a site doing with facts that really aren't relevant anymore? Am I right? Don't say no and nod your head as if I am right.
Now the fact in the matter is that we as human beings, well most of us anyways love learning something or another, for some it's math, others the history of some video game system, and for more, unique facts that really aren't that useful in everyday life.
Now, don't get me wrong, the weird facts that we read is for fun, and that's where "Damn Interesting" comes in, the site is both fun, you get to learn something and it has it's own podcast, something I am sorely lacking but I am working to get things working.
So please look at the article below, click the link at the bottom to go to the site and help them out if you can, and please follow and comment to get more news that makes you go what am I doing with my life. -Stray.
Now I know what you are all thinking, what does a site doing with facts that really aren't relevant anymore? Am I right? Don't say no and nod your head as if I am right.
Now the fact in the matter is that we as human beings, well most of us anyways love learning something or another, for some it's math, others the history of some video game system, and for more, unique facts that really aren't that useful in everyday life.
Now, don't get me wrong, the weird facts that we read is for fun, and that's where "Damn Interesting" comes in, the site is both fun, you get to learn something and it has it's own podcast, something I am sorely lacking but I am working to get things working.
So please look at the article below, click the link at the bottom to go to the site and help them out if you can, and please follow and comment to get more news that makes you go what am I doing with my life. -Stray.
This picture is from and is subject to copyright by anyone that does not use this for educational or sharing. |
Sometime in the 1940s, an improbable encounter occurred at a mental institution in Maryland. Two women, each of whom was institutionalized for believing she was the Virgin Mary, chanced upon one another and engaged in conversation. They had been chatting for several minutes when the older woman introduced herself as "Mary, Mother of God."
"Why you can't be, my dear," the other patient replied, unable to conceive of such a notion. "You must be crazy. I am the Mother of God."
"I'm afraid it's you who are mixed up," the first asserted, "I am Mary."
A hospital staff member eavesdropped as the two Virgin Marys debated their identities. After a while the women paused to quietly regard one another. Finally, the older patient seemed to arrive at a realization. "If you're Mary," she said, "I must be Anne, your mother." That seemed to settle it, and the reconciled patients embraced. In the following weeks the woman who had conceded her delusion was reported to be much more receptive to treatment, and she was soon considered well enough to be discharged from the hospital.
This clinical anecdote was retold in a 1955 issue of Harper's Magazine, and a highly-regarded social psychologist named Dr. Milton Rokeach read it with great interest. What might happen, he wondered, if a psychologist were to deliberately pair up patients who held directly conflicting identity delusions? Perhaps such psychological leverage could be used to pry at the cracks of an irrational psyche to let in the light of reason. Dr. Rokeach sought and secured a research grant to test his hypothesis, and he began canvassing sanitariums for delusional doppelgängers. Soon he found several suitable subjects: three patients, all in state care, each of whom believed himself to be Jesus Christ. And he saw that it was good.
"Why you can't be, my dear," the other patient replied, unable to conceive of such a notion. "You must be crazy. I am the Mother of God."
"I'm afraid it's you who are mixed up," the first asserted, "I am Mary."
A hospital staff member eavesdropped as the two Virgin Marys debated their identities. After a while the women paused to quietly regard one another. Finally, the older patient seemed to arrive at a realization. "If you're Mary," she said, "I must be Anne, your mother." That seemed to settle it, and the reconciled patients embraced. In the following weeks the woman who had conceded her delusion was reported to be much more receptive to treatment, and she was soon considered well enough to be discharged from the hospital.
This clinical anecdote was retold in a 1955 issue of Harper's Magazine, and a highly-regarded social psychologist named Dr. Milton Rokeach read it with great interest. What might happen, he wondered, if a psychologist were to deliberately pair up patients who held directly conflicting identity delusions? Perhaps such psychological leverage could be used to pry at the cracks of an irrational psyche to let in the light of reason. Dr. Rokeach sought and secured a research grant to test his hypothesis, and he began canvassing sanitariums for delusional doppelgängers. Soon he found several suitable subjects: three patients, all in state care, each of whom believed himself to be Jesus Christ. And he saw that it was good.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
To infinity and beyond!

Anyways, at least I have something to review and that happens to be "How Toy Story 3 Should Have Ended", something that at least has a grace of more humor than some that I have seen.
No HISHE isn't an independent animation but they did start out that way. I did want to show what hard work can come out to. So please click on the link below to subscribe and like while also following me for the latest news. -Stray.
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Dear Interesting Life Viewers...
I do apologize for leaving you guys in the dark for the past couple of days, I was pulled in quite a few different directions. I'm not sure when I also started feeling tired, lethargic, getting a runny nose and cough either, but that's Winter for you, my least favorite season of the year, oh well.
Now! I can say though that I am getting back on track with regular postings, even if that means I don't make much sense. For right now I do have something from a regular writer that likes to post his work here, you guys should already know Blood Raven117, if you don't scroll back to last year or so and you'll see his previous work.
He wrote a new chapter which I have been meaning to put up on here but never got around to it, but since I don't have the time I need to review anything more at the moment I am putting it up.
Hooray! So please make sure to leave comments below for him, and follow me for the latest news when I get around to it. -Stray
Larnegin was tying up his boots, nice, snazzy, clean. He could smell the leather on them. His clothes were a disgusting green, and he had a small cap for his head. He hated them already, and he knew he was to fight a city battle in them for what could possibly be months. And he didn't even have FLAK ARMOR. Flak Armor, the cardboard of armor for the entire universe he once served in. The music in his mind flitting by nearly unnoticed as he just shook his head. He made to leave his room, but he stopped long enough to scoop up his rifle. Sighing heavily he left his spartan accommodations..... ..
…... And ran right into Jacky, “Come on slow ass! Lets get moving!” She said cheerily. She looked down at him from her height, a meter higher then him. She was dressed in a obviously hand made uniform, made from several other uniforms. Apparently they were going to go for the fact she had a growth problem. He just ground his teeth and bit back a series of curses and shouts of anger, and marched on towards the deployment deck.
Jacky wouldn't shut up! She kept singing traditional Russian songs and others, loudly trumpeting it as she carried along her rifle like a marching baton, which was ridiculously dwarfed in her massive paws of hands. He could just imagine how in brutal close combat she would be, like a ogryn, he imagined, as he saw the bulky shit brained creatures able to hug to death a Tyranid Ravenor. He thought that Jacky could kill a hive tyrant with her size and smarts. Best just to swallow his pride and let her have her quirky way.
Janeson joined them, smiling wide he soon began to sing along to Jacky, her arm around his shoulders, and his around her back, it was as if they were drunk, singing loudly and poncing around like a pair of pansys. He just skulked compared to them, walking along embarrassed by them. Then Janeson pulled him close as he sang loudly. Sighing Larnegin joined in singing along unwillingly with them.
It was not long before they entered the deployment room. Inside many troopers were milling around, working on their guns, chatting. Seeing the sight of three singing troopers, one ridiculously tall, the other two average sized. They all laughed at that, a few even joined in with the well known and well loved Janeson. A kind man when he joined, and seemingly kinder man after years of war. It was joked that if a commissar shot him, the very same man would be found shot with his own bolt pistol.
A couple of the men lifted the trooper up on their knees as he lead a chorus in song to their anthem as they marched over to the deployment room's doors. Their ecstatic singing carrying over into the bolted room. Larnegin was unsure of how the Unnamed properly implanted their operatives let alone a force their size without being caught or seen. But as he saw the doors open, his mouth and everyone else dropped open in awe, except for Jacky who just smiled at their ridiculous faces.
The chamber's size was massive, but that was not the amazing part, throughout the entire place were teleportation platforms. Giant ones, able to convey whole platoons worth of men. Their handler was there, the doctor, Elizabeth Swam. Smiling she waved her hand to crackling fields all around, “Welcome Marines! Welcome to your DDD, Or Deep Deployment Device. Your In-field handler, Donovan, is already in deep cover as a Commissar. Your neural links have been updated. As well as opponents you must kill and objectives that must be achieved as you progress.
She smiled darkly, and removing her glasses with precision she called out, “Staff Sergeant Johnson! You have command. Split them as you see fit!” And like that Johnson called out. “Alright you maggots! Get into squads! Get into Platoons! You won't be with them long but you better get to action now! Times wasting and we don't want to keep the fascists waiting now do we!” He called out and all the men called out a warcry, “That's the spirit! Now move out!”
Larn was carried along in the press. The men around were moving forward, eager and with rifles in hand, many didn't even have that much, just knives in hand. Due to the Soviet's lack of weapons it would be strange to see nearly 300 men just suddenly pop up with weapons and ammo. “Squad A in Platoon 1! Get on the first pad! Squad B! You know the drill. When first platoon is away, second get onto the pads! Charge boys! For the glory of the Unnamed and for mother Russia!” Johnson had gotten a megaphone, and had a different look. Looking like a commissar he had a PPsH smg, and a Tokarev pistol as his side arm. The little thing didn't look very imposing but no one wanted to test it without any armor. “With me comrades!” Sergeant Huolder called out, raising his rifle up and yelled out a cry as he lead his personal squad up onto the pad. A few seconds later after Color sergeant Yukonev pulled himself up with the sickle and hammer, (As the men began to call the flag), they disappeared in a wash of static and electrical power. “Go now and show them hell!” Jard called out, leading Larnegin's squad now as he pushed forward. Larn had no second thoughts, Jacky jumping up like it was a little step She pulled both Larn and Janeson up. “Come on boys! Lets kick some Nazi ass!” Leading the cry they were teleported to a barren place that shunned such calls. On the opposite side of the Volga they appeared, getting in line quietly, for the boats to cross the river.............. .
Larnegin had seen friendlier commissars at a execution, these men were down right mean, cold, and unlikable. Shuffling by he saw a few of his friends get onto a old rickety rowboat, the commissar holding a pistol, and one of the men they had to protect, Aleksandr Sokolov. Looking ahead he saw no one else on this breach that “Needed” To live. He sighed then was hugged close by Jackie, “It makes me sick!” She yelled, pointing to Stalingrad. The men around looked up to her, quite literally with her great advantage in her growth, “Look at it! The home of millions! The great city of the Volga! This old and honorable city reduced to...... Rubble. It makes me sick Comrades what the Germans have done to our people.” She looked at it darkly many others meeting where her eyes met to the orange blaze of the city. Even the commissars were looking over boredly at the orange blaze. A few men shivered, others gulped, but a few stood fires burning place of eyes. She immediately pulled Larnegin over and gathered those up with such fire in their hearts.
Janeson looked at Larnegin, “Hey Larns, whats up with Jackie?” He asked pointing up worriedly at the erect and angry figure next to them. The others she had gathered up were now walking onto a much bigger boat then that little rickety thing Sokolov had entered, what was probably a old tour boat or small cargo container. The commissar attached to the boat was watching them all, probably making sure no one ran at this last minute. And as they neared he prepared to speak, “Comrades, the rage you have in your eyes is shared by many! By all around you! By your comrades! By the people! By comrade Stalin and by your family even! You! And you! You all have it, even you private!” He pointed to Jacky who just stood looking at him interested.
“You are about to embark on the greatest moment in your lives! You have all been given the task to deny the enemy control of Stalingrad!” Suddenly a keening wail came from above, Ewwwwear “Stuka! STUKA!” The boat driver yelled from his cabin, everyone looked over as the plane straffed the boat punching holes in the hull and hitting several men, the commissar didn't even stop speaking, as he suddenly turned his gun at two men trying to flee, “Cowards and traitors will be shot!” The two men didn't enter the water alive as he continued on, “You will count! Not days! Not miles! You will count the number of germans you have killed Comrades! Not one step back!” Suddenly the whistle of artiliery could be heard, suddenly the water got even more choppy, and the view of Stalingrad ever closer, and the wrecks of previous boats with many bodies in the water, and the berth they were to go.
The speech to Larnegin sounded unpolished and terrible to his ears, the commissar was young looking and obviously needed more experience at oratory. But as they were shuffled off he saw that only Janeson, Jackie and himself had a rifle, with a patch in Russian on their shoulders that said, “1st shock troops.”
The little dock they entered held a fraction of its former glory, the single pier sticking out having once been several, but the others annhilated and turned to stumps and splinters from artillery fire. Many of his company didn't even bother wanting for the gang way to be placed down, much to the bemusement of the Commissar as many of them didn't even bother giving him a second look, just moving on with determination and surprisingly experienced step. Larnegin congregated with Janeson and Jacky at the rear of the pier waiting for the two squad force to lead first.
Over the clatter of boots hitting the ground, and the thunderous din of artillery crashing down and the chatter of heavy MG's, a commissar was speaking on top of some crates, “First man gets a rifle! Second man! Ammunition. When the first man goes down the second man takes the rifle and shoots!” That just made every one stop and look at him, again to the confusion, and now awkwardness of the man as nearly forty eyes beamed on him. Caraf approched first and got a rifle, before the man behind could get his clip Caraf took it and the poor sod it was destined too, “Stick with me boy. I'll find you a rifle and more.” The commissar didn't dare try to exact out judgement as everyone else seemed to be doing the same and he was not about to just execute a boat of new arrivals so quickly. Especially what seemed to be experienced stormtroopers. Although some conscripts were mixed in.
Larnegin made his way forward now, the last of the ammo and weapons running out despite the insane rationing. Things must be really bad here, not even PDF were given such subpar and limited equipment. He had seen fuedal soldiers more lavishly equipped then themselves. Getting into the once boardwalk he saw the makeshift triage center and awaiting soldiers who were undoubtably waiting to be sent to the meat grinder.
Larnegin heard the unworldly moans that only injured men could make, moans that made a man cry and wonder why war was neccessary. It certainly made him do so when he first came to be a soldier. The smell was god awful as well, the smell was strong with shit and slime from the cold and brine, mixed with dirty linen and fyceline and gunsmoke wafting down from the hell a few meters away.
“Hey Larns? You okay? You got that stare again.” Janeson asked worriedly, his voice no more then a whisper when fighting for the attention of so much around. Jacky was too busy worrying about herself, having to crouch the entire way due to her ungodly height. That would be a problem when they needed to get through a tight spot. “Da. Da I am. J- just the smell is all.” Instictively he wipped his nose, breath misting in the cold air and mucus starting to drip in the cold.
“Okay! First squad! Form up were going. You three! Concripts eh? Come with us we'll keep you alive as long as you do exactly as we say ya?” The conscripts didn't look eager to come, now seeing the hell they were in, but they also saw the look in tehjumpy commissars's eyes and they nodded, “Good, Igana watch over them will you? Jard, my comrade let us lead the way.” Commissar Jard smiled and pulled out his pistol and sword from their sash.
So they movedout, going to the T junction in the trench Caraf called out over the whistle of guns and the pound of the explosions, “Fire team spread! Four in each!” Immediately they grouped up, the conscripts doing as what their handler said, emphasized by a barely heard, “-or I'll shoot ya myself!” And like that Caref with Jard his adjutant, and finally the concript he told to stay close, ran forward up the sharp curve of the hill, in a renewed charge to enter the city with hundreds other brave Russian soldiers soon to die or live.
Larnegin had to charge right behind him, him leading his fire team of three since they were all armed. Charging up Jacky soon powered ahead of both him and Janeson with no effort at all, yelling out, “URA!” He didn't know where she got the energy or breath, as he clawed up on all fours almost and before he knew it he got to a flat surface and ran his head into soft mud, “Oomph.” Janeson chuckled, impossible to heard over the deafening bellow of war. Turning Larnegin over and dragging him up behind him, Larn quickly regained his wits and got up himself.
The trench would got to the left diagonally a good twenty meters, one part had been hit by a good shell and it was nothing ubt a crater now having water pool and turn the middle to a mire, but it was cover and compared to the poor fools just charging up they would live longer. Its like they were from Krieg, almost fearlessly charging up with no thought of their own lives.
“Come on you two! I'm not going to die from a stray shell because I'm waiting for your slow asses!” Jacky yelled back, barreling into a commissar who was too busy executing a retreating man to notice her, nearly getting crushed by her boots in the narrow passage. The commissar as he was on his back took aim at Jacky in blind rage, Larnegin shot him. “Lead by example!” He shouted at the dead man, taking the pistol and ammo. The man he shot had no weapon, he had been sent forward uselessly and now he lay dead, his family would likely never know how or if he died. He didn't give a second look to either body as they rushed to catch up to the speeding Jacky, who was now at the end of the trench waiting for the two prone in the mud.
It took twice as long for Janeson and Larnegin to get to Jacky. They had seen her fire three times with the rifle and now the MG fire pouring down seemed to lesson for a time, and when it resumed the fire was hesitant and inexperienced. When they got to her she had fired a forth and fifth time, finishing off the MG42s from firing until they were remanned by new teams. Adding a new clip, Jacky smiled back holding up her hand, fingers spread, “Five already! Beat that you slow pokes!” Grinning ear to ear she stood up fully erect, seemingly taller as well as she then charged forward, “URA! With ME comrades! To victory!” She yelled seemingly impossibly loud over the cacophony of war, charging forward a wall of living flesh 11 feet tall, a imposing force, inspiring as she went forward, machine gun fire exploding all around her, somehow, impossibly, all missing her.
Like a hero, Larnegin thought breathlessly, keeping pace desperately. And apparently thought like many more around. Nearly fifteen men in all they flocked to her, now cowering behind a big peice of destroyed wall, Jacky crouched behind it so her head wouldn't stick out, “Come with me men! I shall lead us to victory!” She laughed loudly, poping up, taking momentary aim and firing once more, apparently killing another as the Mg firing at them all stopped pouring down fire. The men around her all yelled out their support, “URA!” Now twenty voices yelled out, as more men flocked up, the repreive from the fire adding to their numbers now as the ones below seemed to sense the break in the line and began to charge up taking much less fire now from directly ahead.
Jacky smiled and winking at the out of breath Larnegin and Janeson, “Cover me, I'm 'nading the rest of those guns!” She shouted over the roar of war getting ready to make the final 10 meter dash to the factory facade and finish those guns permantly. Indeed it seemed they were already making a small diffrence, how this was all possible Larnegin had no idea but he wasn't complaining since he hadn't been shot yet.
“Got it. Okay everyone, rifle volley, into the building ahead!” “Which one?!” A conscript frantically yelled, terrified. Larnegin took him by the scruff and had him peek over the masonry slightly, “The one with tongues of fire coming out it!” He clarified, letting the boy go and getting ready to pop out the side of their cover, “Ready? 3! 2! 1! Fire! Lay it down!” He immediately snapped out around the brick wall and fired out, specifically aiming at the gun on the top floor.
Snaph! Click-clock, Snaph! Snaph! The guns coughed/growled out as the poorly equipped conscripts fired hasty shots out with their Nagants. Although they hit nothing, Larnegin was sure he did something, seeing the wood plank barricade they put on the front of the window splinter as the gun jerked up and stopped firing, only to resume after a brief moment. Despite it though it bought enough time for Jacky, as the powerful Kadeshian stormed forward, her rifle slung over her back and a RGO frag grenade in her hand, pin out and arming spoon clasped to the body of the grenade. Smashing into the wall back first she smiled at them all who were now hiding pitifully behind their chipping cover, the entire building firing right at them now.
With one hand she started to climb up the pockmarked and scorched factory. She could see just barely behind all the damage numbers painted in white and large. Now at the first story she was right next to the window, the ungodly noise deafening. With her hand still holding the grenade she slipped the grenade into the firing slit. She could barely hear over the din, “Shise! Gren-” The gun stopped firing as the users died in the pressure blast, turning the gunner's kidney into liquid, bursting his blood vessels in his right arm and leg, and shredding his side. His loader suffered a less painful fate, having seen the grenade enter he managed to jump back, a few steps out of the concussive blast wave, but was still riddled with shrapnel.
And one by one those 42's fell silent, as Jacky kept climbing up and over, clearing out the last two in the same fashion. Now on the roof she looked down to them and yelled, “URA!” That was all the signal the now fifteen men needed to charge into the thick of it once more.
Now! I can say though that I am getting back on track with regular postings, even if that means I don't make much sense. For right now I do have something from a regular writer that likes to post his work here, you guys should already know Blood Raven117, if you don't scroll back to last year or so and you'll see his previous work.
He wrote a new chapter which I have been meaning to put up on here but never got around to it, but since I don't have the time I need to review anything more at the moment I am putting it up.
Hooray! So please make sure to leave comments below for him, and follow me for the latest news when I get around to it. -Stray
Chapter III
The Wrath of a Nation
Larnegin was tying up his boots, nice, snazzy, clean. He could smell the leather on them. His clothes were a disgusting green, and he had a small cap for his head. He hated them already, and he knew he was to fight a city battle in them for what could possibly be months. And he didn't even have FLAK ARMOR. Flak Armor, the cardboard of armor for the entire universe he once served in. The music in his mind flitting by nearly unnoticed as he just shook his head. He made to leave his room, but he stopped long enough to scoop up his rifle. Sighing heavily he left his spartan accommodations..... ..
…... And ran right into Jacky, “Come on slow ass! Lets get moving!” She said cheerily. She looked down at him from her height, a meter higher then him. She was dressed in a obviously hand made uniform, made from several other uniforms. Apparently they were going to go for the fact she had a growth problem. He just ground his teeth and bit back a series of curses and shouts of anger, and marched on towards the deployment deck.
Jacky wouldn't shut up! She kept singing traditional Russian songs and others, loudly trumpeting it as she carried along her rifle like a marching baton, which was ridiculously dwarfed in her massive paws of hands. He could just imagine how in brutal close combat she would be, like a ogryn, he imagined, as he saw the bulky shit brained creatures able to hug to death a Tyranid Ravenor. He thought that Jacky could kill a hive tyrant with her size and smarts. Best just to swallow his pride and let her have her quirky way.
Janeson joined them, smiling wide he soon began to sing along to Jacky, her arm around his shoulders, and his around her back, it was as if they were drunk, singing loudly and poncing around like a pair of pansys. He just skulked compared to them, walking along embarrassed by them. Then Janeson pulled him close as he sang loudly. Sighing Larnegin joined in singing along unwillingly with them.
It was not long before they entered the deployment room. Inside many troopers were milling around, working on their guns, chatting. Seeing the sight of three singing troopers, one ridiculously tall, the other two average sized. They all laughed at that, a few even joined in with the well known and well loved Janeson. A kind man when he joined, and seemingly kinder man after years of war. It was joked that if a commissar shot him, the very same man would be found shot with his own bolt pistol.
A couple of the men lifted the trooper up on their knees as he lead a chorus in song to their anthem as they marched over to the deployment room's doors. Their ecstatic singing carrying over into the bolted room. Larnegin was unsure of how the Unnamed properly implanted their operatives let alone a force their size without being caught or seen. But as he saw the doors open, his mouth and everyone else dropped open in awe, except for Jacky who just smiled at their ridiculous faces.
The chamber's size was massive, but that was not the amazing part, throughout the entire place were teleportation platforms. Giant ones, able to convey whole platoons worth of men. Their handler was there, the doctor, Elizabeth Swam. Smiling she waved her hand to crackling fields all around, “Welcome Marines! Welcome to your DDD, Or Deep Deployment Device. Your In-field handler, Donovan, is already in deep cover as a Commissar. Your neural links have been updated. As well as opponents you must kill and objectives that must be achieved as you progress.
She smiled darkly, and removing her glasses with precision she called out, “Staff Sergeant Johnson! You have command. Split them as you see fit!” And like that Johnson called out. “Alright you maggots! Get into squads! Get into Platoons! You won't be with them long but you better get to action now! Times wasting and we don't want to keep the fascists waiting now do we!” He called out and all the men called out a warcry, “That's the spirit! Now move out!”
Larn was carried along in the press. The men around were moving forward, eager and with rifles in hand, many didn't even have that much, just knives in hand. Due to the Soviet's lack of weapons it would be strange to see nearly 300 men just suddenly pop up with weapons and ammo. “Squad A in Platoon 1! Get on the first pad! Squad B! You know the drill. When first platoon is away, second get onto the pads! Charge boys! For the glory of the Unnamed and for mother Russia!” Johnson had gotten a megaphone, and had a different look. Looking like a commissar he had a PPsH smg, and a Tokarev pistol as his side arm. The little thing didn't look very imposing but no one wanted to test it without any armor. “With me comrades!” Sergeant Huolder called out, raising his rifle up and yelled out a cry as he lead his personal squad up onto the pad. A few seconds later after Color sergeant Yukonev pulled himself up with the sickle and hammer, (As the men began to call the flag), they disappeared in a wash of static and electrical power. “Go now and show them hell!” Jard called out, leading Larnegin's squad now as he pushed forward. Larn had no second thoughts, Jacky jumping up like it was a little step She pulled both Larn and Janeson up. “Come on boys! Lets kick some Nazi ass!” Leading the cry they were teleported to a barren place that shunned such calls. On the opposite side of the Volga they appeared, getting in line quietly, for the boats to cross the river.............. .
Chapter IV
From Russia with wrath
Larnegin had seen friendlier commissars at a execution, these men were down right mean, cold, and unlikable. Shuffling by he saw a few of his friends get onto a old rickety rowboat, the commissar holding a pistol, and one of the men they had to protect, Aleksandr Sokolov. Looking ahead he saw no one else on this breach that “Needed” To live. He sighed then was hugged close by Jackie, “It makes me sick!” She yelled, pointing to Stalingrad. The men around looked up to her, quite literally with her great advantage in her growth, “Look at it! The home of millions! The great city of the Volga! This old and honorable city reduced to...... Rubble. It makes me sick Comrades what the Germans have done to our people.” She looked at it darkly many others meeting where her eyes met to the orange blaze of the city. Even the commissars were looking over boredly at the orange blaze. A few men shivered, others gulped, but a few stood fires burning place of eyes. She immediately pulled Larnegin over and gathered those up with such fire in their hearts.
Janeson looked at Larnegin, “Hey Larns, whats up with Jackie?” He asked pointing up worriedly at the erect and angry figure next to them. The others she had gathered up were now walking onto a much bigger boat then that little rickety thing Sokolov had entered, what was probably a old tour boat or small cargo container. The commissar attached to the boat was watching them all, probably making sure no one ran at this last minute. And as they neared he prepared to speak, “Comrades, the rage you have in your eyes is shared by many! By all around you! By your comrades! By the people! By comrade Stalin and by your family even! You! And you! You all have it, even you private!” He pointed to Jacky who just stood looking at him interested.
“You are about to embark on the greatest moment in your lives! You have all been given the task to deny the enemy control of Stalingrad!” Suddenly a keening wail came from above, Ewwwwear “Stuka! STUKA!” The boat driver yelled from his cabin, everyone looked over as the plane straffed the boat punching holes in the hull and hitting several men, the commissar didn't even stop speaking, as he suddenly turned his gun at two men trying to flee, “Cowards and traitors will be shot!” The two men didn't enter the water alive as he continued on, “You will count! Not days! Not miles! You will count the number of germans you have killed Comrades! Not one step back!” Suddenly the whistle of artiliery could be heard, suddenly the water got even more choppy, and the view of Stalingrad ever closer, and the wrecks of previous boats with many bodies in the water, and the berth they were to go.
The speech to Larnegin sounded unpolished and terrible to his ears, the commissar was young looking and obviously needed more experience at oratory. But as they were shuffled off he saw that only Janeson, Jackie and himself had a rifle, with a patch in Russian on their shoulders that said, “1st shock troops.”
The little dock they entered held a fraction of its former glory, the single pier sticking out having once been several, but the others annhilated and turned to stumps and splinters from artillery fire. Many of his company didn't even bother wanting for the gang way to be placed down, much to the bemusement of the Commissar as many of them didn't even bother giving him a second look, just moving on with determination and surprisingly experienced step. Larnegin congregated with Janeson and Jacky at the rear of the pier waiting for the two squad force to lead first.
Over the clatter of boots hitting the ground, and the thunderous din of artillery crashing down and the chatter of heavy MG's, a commissar was speaking on top of some crates, “First man gets a rifle! Second man! Ammunition. When the first man goes down the second man takes the rifle and shoots!” That just made every one stop and look at him, again to the confusion, and now awkwardness of the man as nearly forty eyes beamed on him. Caraf approched first and got a rifle, before the man behind could get his clip Caraf took it and the poor sod it was destined too, “Stick with me boy. I'll find you a rifle and more.” The commissar didn't dare try to exact out judgement as everyone else seemed to be doing the same and he was not about to just execute a boat of new arrivals so quickly. Especially what seemed to be experienced stormtroopers. Although some conscripts were mixed in.
Larnegin made his way forward now, the last of the ammo and weapons running out despite the insane rationing. Things must be really bad here, not even PDF were given such subpar and limited equipment. He had seen fuedal soldiers more lavishly equipped then themselves. Getting into the once boardwalk he saw the makeshift triage center and awaiting soldiers who were undoubtably waiting to be sent to the meat grinder.
Larnegin heard the unworldly moans that only injured men could make, moans that made a man cry and wonder why war was neccessary. It certainly made him do so when he first came to be a soldier. The smell was god awful as well, the smell was strong with shit and slime from the cold and brine, mixed with dirty linen and fyceline and gunsmoke wafting down from the hell a few meters away.
“Hey Larns? You okay? You got that stare again.” Janeson asked worriedly, his voice no more then a whisper when fighting for the attention of so much around. Jacky was too busy worrying about herself, having to crouch the entire way due to her ungodly height. That would be a problem when they needed to get through a tight spot. “Da. Da I am. J- just the smell is all.” Instictively he wipped his nose, breath misting in the cold air and mucus starting to drip in the cold.
“Okay! First squad! Form up were going. You three! Concripts eh? Come with us we'll keep you alive as long as you do exactly as we say ya?” The conscripts didn't look eager to come, now seeing the hell they were in, but they also saw the look in tehjumpy commissars's eyes and they nodded, “Good, Igana watch over them will you? Jard, my comrade let us lead the way.” Commissar Jard smiled and pulled out his pistol and sword from their sash.
So they movedout, going to the T junction in the trench Caraf called out over the whistle of guns and the pound of the explosions, “Fire team spread! Four in each!” Immediately they grouped up, the conscripts doing as what their handler said, emphasized by a barely heard, “-or I'll shoot ya myself!” And like that Caref with Jard his adjutant, and finally the concript he told to stay close, ran forward up the sharp curve of the hill, in a renewed charge to enter the city with hundreds other brave Russian soldiers soon to die or live.
Larnegin had to charge right behind him, him leading his fire team of three since they were all armed. Charging up Jacky soon powered ahead of both him and Janeson with no effort at all, yelling out, “URA!” He didn't know where she got the energy or breath, as he clawed up on all fours almost and before he knew it he got to a flat surface and ran his head into soft mud, “Oomph.” Janeson chuckled, impossible to heard over the deafening bellow of war. Turning Larnegin over and dragging him up behind him, Larn quickly regained his wits and got up himself.
The trench would got to the left diagonally a good twenty meters, one part had been hit by a good shell and it was nothing ubt a crater now having water pool and turn the middle to a mire, but it was cover and compared to the poor fools just charging up they would live longer. Its like they were from Krieg, almost fearlessly charging up with no thought of their own lives.
“Come on you two! I'm not going to die from a stray shell because I'm waiting for your slow asses!” Jacky yelled back, barreling into a commissar who was too busy executing a retreating man to notice her, nearly getting crushed by her boots in the narrow passage. The commissar as he was on his back took aim at Jacky in blind rage, Larnegin shot him. “Lead by example!” He shouted at the dead man, taking the pistol and ammo. The man he shot had no weapon, he had been sent forward uselessly and now he lay dead, his family would likely never know how or if he died. He didn't give a second look to either body as they rushed to catch up to the speeding Jacky, who was now at the end of the trench waiting for the two prone in the mud.
It took twice as long for Janeson and Larnegin to get to Jacky. They had seen her fire three times with the rifle and now the MG fire pouring down seemed to lesson for a time, and when it resumed the fire was hesitant and inexperienced. When they got to her she had fired a forth and fifth time, finishing off the MG42s from firing until they were remanned by new teams. Adding a new clip, Jacky smiled back holding up her hand, fingers spread, “Five already! Beat that you slow pokes!” Grinning ear to ear she stood up fully erect, seemingly taller as well as she then charged forward, “URA! With ME comrades! To victory!” She yelled seemingly impossibly loud over the cacophony of war, charging forward a wall of living flesh 11 feet tall, a imposing force, inspiring as she went forward, machine gun fire exploding all around her, somehow, impossibly, all missing her.
Like a hero, Larnegin thought breathlessly, keeping pace desperately. And apparently thought like many more around. Nearly fifteen men in all they flocked to her, now cowering behind a big peice of destroyed wall, Jacky crouched behind it so her head wouldn't stick out, “Come with me men! I shall lead us to victory!” She laughed loudly, poping up, taking momentary aim and firing once more, apparently killing another as the Mg firing at them all stopped pouring down fire. The men around her all yelled out their support, “URA!” Now twenty voices yelled out, as more men flocked up, the repreive from the fire adding to their numbers now as the ones below seemed to sense the break in the line and began to charge up taking much less fire now from directly ahead.
Jacky smiled and winking at the out of breath Larnegin and Janeson, “Cover me, I'm 'nading the rest of those guns!” She shouted over the roar of war getting ready to make the final 10 meter dash to the factory facade and finish those guns permantly. Indeed it seemed they were already making a small diffrence, how this was all possible Larnegin had no idea but he wasn't complaining since he hadn't been shot yet.
“Got it. Okay everyone, rifle volley, into the building ahead!” “Which one?!” A conscript frantically yelled, terrified. Larnegin took him by the scruff and had him peek over the masonry slightly, “The one with tongues of fire coming out it!” He clarified, letting the boy go and getting ready to pop out the side of their cover, “Ready? 3! 2! 1! Fire! Lay it down!” He immediately snapped out around the brick wall and fired out, specifically aiming at the gun on the top floor.
Snaph! Click-clock, Snaph! Snaph! The guns coughed/growled out as the poorly equipped conscripts fired hasty shots out with their Nagants. Although they hit nothing, Larnegin was sure he did something, seeing the wood plank barricade they put on the front of the window splinter as the gun jerked up and stopped firing, only to resume after a brief moment. Despite it though it bought enough time for Jacky, as the powerful Kadeshian stormed forward, her rifle slung over her back and a RGO frag grenade in her hand, pin out and arming spoon clasped to the body of the grenade. Smashing into the wall back first she smiled at them all who were now hiding pitifully behind their chipping cover, the entire building firing right at them now.
With one hand she started to climb up the pockmarked and scorched factory. She could see just barely behind all the damage numbers painted in white and large. Now at the first story she was right next to the window, the ungodly noise deafening. With her hand still holding the grenade she slipped the grenade into the firing slit. She could barely hear over the din, “Shise! Gren-” The gun stopped firing as the users died in the pressure blast, turning the gunner's kidney into liquid, bursting his blood vessels in his right arm and leg, and shredding his side. His loader suffered a less painful fate, having seen the grenade enter he managed to jump back, a few steps out of the concussive blast wave, but was still riddled with shrapnel.
And one by one those 42's fell silent, as Jacky kept climbing up and over, clearing out the last two in the same fashion. Now on the roof she looked down to them and yelled, “URA!” That was all the signal the now fifteen men needed to charge into the thick of it once more.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
New Blood, New Ideas...
Since I had time to kill before my plane took off to go back home, I am also not sorry about the previously recorded videos. I was searching through the usual animations and nothing seem to strike me as what I want to share, don't get me wrong, they're good, but it didn't feel right... So... I decided to just surf, now when people surf the interwebz it's just usually because they're bored and don't care what they find. Usually that happens to me, but I wanted to have something to show, something that continued to nag at me until I found it.
Now, my Google doesn't want to work, no surprise as my computer has been acting strangely, but I am no stranger to things not wanting to work, so since I had no access their I turned to YouTube. And that is where I found something that fulfilled my itch, that nagging in the back of my skull that has finally been scratched.
It was a CreepyPasta narrator, but not just the famous ones, they're good, but, if you know me I often go for ones that need that help to get noticed. I came across two female voice actors, one "Kitten RH" and one "ImTheEvilBlackBunny", both are getting to be good, but they need the help.
So as a special treat I am going to put both of their best videos on here, and I hope I make it before the plane takes off, then it's going to be me and my music. So please click on the links to the videos below, subscribe and like while also following me for the latest news. -Stray.
Now, my Google doesn't want to work, no surprise as my computer has been acting strangely, but I am no stranger to things not wanting to work, so since I had no access their I turned to YouTube. And that is where I found something that fulfilled my itch, that nagging in the back of my skull that has finally been scratched.
It was a CreepyPasta narrator, but not just the famous ones, they're good, but, if you know me I often go for ones that need that help to get noticed. I came across two female voice actors, one "Kitten RH" and one "ImTheEvilBlackBunny", both are getting to be good, but they need the help.
So as a special treat I am going to put both of their best videos on here, and I hope I make it before the plane takes off, then it's going to be me and my music. So please click on the links to the videos below, subscribe and like while also following me for the latest news. -Stray.
"ImTheEvilBlackBunny" narration of Dargaia's Nectar [REBOOT]
"Kitten RH" narration of "Candle Cove: Day of the Dead" by Tim Lin
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Friday, December 6, 2013
I swear it was real!
A giant man eating Crocodile in the sewer! Have you ever wondered if those urban myths were real, you know like Crocodiles in the sewers, giant birds that could pick up people, your Aunt Martha's fruitcake? I don't know anymore than most people that visit this site, and I have to say we have almost 2,000 views, which is amazing so I had to try to do something pretty cool to honor that. So I decided to do an urban myth, catchy, am I right?
So I went to YouTube where we all know that you can find the craziest things on there, and I happened to find myself on the wrong side of the tracks, video speaking.
I did come across something that made me wince, grin, and go, "So what am I doing again?" To make things more interesting I want you guys to comment below, a hard task for many I know, and tell me if you think what I found is real, or not, and please give me more than, "It's fake, you suck, and you're gay." Okay? So please click the link to the video below, subscribe and like while also following me more for the latest news. -Stray.
P.s. I also know that I am not the easiest person to be around, and that I can rage or be a jerk, so if you're one of those people that have sworn to never talk to me again, I'm sorry. No I did not have a change of heart, it's just that I am constantly pressured to be more, open.
So I went to YouTube where we all know that you can find the craziest things on there, and I happened to find myself on the wrong side of the tracks, video speaking.
I did come across something that made me wince, grin, and go, "So what am I doing again?" To make things more interesting I want you guys to comment below, a hard task for many I know, and tell me if you think what I found is real, or not, and please give me more than, "It's fake, you suck, and you're gay." Okay? So please click the link to the video below, subscribe and like while also following me more for the latest news. -Stray.
P.s. I also know that I am not the easiest person to be around, and that I can rage or be a jerk, so if you're one of those people that have sworn to never talk to me again, I'm sorry. No I did not have a change of heart, it's just that I am constantly pressured to be more, open.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
I'm not going to even say anything
Also, I just got done doing an interview with the legendary Johnathan-Wrathbrone, a very stellar storyteller in his animations, so as I finally got to see his latest animation that he did on NewGrounds called "Bed Time" a short fifty second short that surprisingly made me check my bed just in case of the extreme paranoia that I keep around me.
His animation will be after his interview that I will put on here and on my account on NewGrounds. So please click on the link below to subscribe and like while also following me for the latest animation. -Stray.
1. Who was your inspiration to first get started doing animations?
Didnt really have one. I was surprised I was even able to animate at all when I first started.I just kind of winged it.
2. What was your first animation that you did?
Cant quite remember. I originally learned how to animate on another animation by Macromedia(original publishers of Flash) called "Director". It used raster instead of vector, so all the artwork was pixely.
I think I probably did some old Mortal Kombat sprite animations at the beginning. I was originally a film major(got an AA in film production) but lost my passion for film making when I kept fucking up on my shorts, or couldn't get any help to film them. So I went back to animation, picked up flash and started to learn.
3. Did you think that after all this time you would be this famous for what you do?
Nope. Not really famous now. Famous would be like Weebl, Harry Partidge, or Chluaid. My work is still pretty niche and while it gets around every now and then I haven't really managed to make that one toon that seemed to connect with everyone.
4. Where do you come up with your characters?
Usually come up with a story concept first, If I have a concept that can hold my own interest I move on from that point and see if I can build on it. Getting the concept is the easy part, coming up with the characters is more challenging.
In the case of Romanticide I came across a Manga style graphic novel at a book store called "My zombie girlfriend". The title was awful. I've always thought that a title of a book,movie,TV show etc, should catch your attention. If a title is just what the story is about, then there goes the mystique of the story itself.
I picked up the graphic novel to see how the art was, and immediately put it back. I'm a snob when it comes to art anyways. Either way this book stuck with me because I didn't like the title. I didn't think the author was trying and he was also using the "dating the undead" trope, which was on the rise as the awful 'Twilight' movies had just started filming at about this time.
I thought it might be interesting to try out the trope myself to see if there was anything new I could add to it.
The idea of Death being a woman was a little more interesting(Women create life, why not death?), but the idea of Death having no real knowledge of humanity was a fun idea.
I was originally going to make fun of Twilight with the series(Death having no facial expressions) but thought that would be pretty demeaning to what I was creating. As the main trope for 'Romanticide' is over saturated the hard part is finding something new to add to it.
Death having no real social skills, or knowledge of the world that exists around her creates a lot of opportunities in a story for the character to experience. Death as a character has been done...well to death. From the legendary cloaked skeletal figure to Robert Redford in the original "Twilight Zone" tv series, to Grimm, from "The Grimm adventures of Billy and Mandy" Death has been a monster, a hero, a joke, etc.
But In all these incarnations Death has a lot of knowledge of how humanity works. If I had chosen to make Death more knowledgeable, then I would have stopped at the pilot episode. My Version of Death isn't stupid, shes technically a workaholic. When you're working and in 'The Zone' you stop noticing everything around you.
Keiichi was an easy character to make, because hes just a normal introverted guy. Without Death around, hes still just a normal introverted guy. Theres not much of a story to tell there, but the fact that he can see Death, and can see her as she really is(will be explained more in the next episode of the series) makes him more interesting.
An interesting story needs an interesting character, if the main character isn't interesting, you need someone or something to make him interesting.
5. I know you're busy, but if I ever asked for my own picture from you, would you not charge me?
As long as it wasn't anything too extravagant I could manage something.
6. All silliness aside, what can you say for my readers out there who wish to try animating?
Find out what you as an artist, and a writer like then find something you can add to them.
On storytelling, Quentin Tarantino says "Steal from the best". Taking a familiar concept isnt uncommon in this day and age where anything and everything has been done(or almost done), but taking someone elses ideas is as fucking lazy as can be. This is a dangerous way of thinking and why we're plagued by shitty remakes and sequels from Hollywood. Because they're out of ideas, and have used up all the ideas they've stolen.
Its not hard to take something familiar, and make it your own. When you can do that and add more to it, then you'll be surprised how far you can expand an idea to the point what you borrowed, isn't so noticeable anymore.
In terms of animation, I'll say this. I draw by mouse. I have since day one, I'm a dinosaur who cant adjust to a wacom tablet, and thats fine. It works for me, find out what works for you.
As your art style matures you need to find out what you can and cant do. I'm not going to recommend spend...2-4 hours a day studying character designs,doing walk cycle tests, or storyboarding, etc...
I am going to recommend not being scared of a project not working out and having to stop working on it. Let it sit for a while if you're stuck and get back to it later.
It may take you two, maybe three tries to finish something. I tried to make Romanticide back in 2007, it didn't happen. It didn't because I wasn't ready as a animator to tell the story how I wanted. If you don't give up on your idea, and dont rush it, you'll get something better when you reach the finish line. Failing at making a toon, means you get to make it better when you're ready. If your story/idea means that much to you, then you wont forget it. You'll get to it when you're ready.
Jonathan-Wrathbrone's NewGrounds:
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Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Everywhere! Burying me... Ahhhh!!!!!
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User: Jessica
(Welcome User Jessica.)
Well that was weird, but I guess that means I am suppose to write a post while my big brother goes away to do something and only told me to write a post... So, my name is Jessica, I'm Straydogs little sister but only by two years, but it's okay because I love my big brother. He is awesome and amazing, even though he is moody and very anti-social, but that's okay too. ^.^
I don't know what I am suppose to write here, but I guess I am suppose to post a video on here and promote it to the best of my abilities. Ummm, this short animation by guillaume112 based on Sailor Moon really had me giggle, and I thought back to the time when my brother would actually do stuff like this to cheer me up.
So I just wanted to share "Laundry Day". Links below are to Mr. Giblote's Youtube and Blogger sites and my brothers FaceBook and YouTube sites as well. Please enjoy! ^.^ -Jessica.
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User: Jessica
(Welcome User Jessica.)
I don't know what I am suppose to write here, but I guess I am suppose to post a video on here and promote it to the best of my abilities. Ummm, this short animation by guillaume112 based on Sailor Moon really had me giggle, and I thought back to the time when my brother would actually do stuff like this to cheer me up.
So I just wanted to share "Laundry Day". Links below are to Mr. Giblote's Youtube and Blogger sites and my brothers FaceBook and YouTube sites as well. Please enjoy! ^.^ -Jessica.
Mr. Guillaume112's YouTube:
Mr. Guillaume112's Blog:
My Big Brothers YouTube:
My Big Brothers FaceBook:
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
On the third day of Christmas...
I don't know what to say, since rhyming never does come to me, it does however come naturally to those over the age of forty, and have a single mind track... However since I am nice I am going to show what can happen between cats and foxes, something that makes no sense whatsoever unless you watch the previous animations of one called Celou101, or Celine, she is very talented for someone at the age of 16 and only uses a mouse to paint.
What still confuses me is the fact that foxes and cats can fall in love, on Christmas, in the cold snow... Since when does reality come into effect? Never, so, I'm going to stop giving myself a headache and just enjoy what was created.
So, as a way of saying thank you to Celine for that wonderful animations that she draws with a mouse please click on the link below, subscribe to her channel, like, comment and follow me for the latest news for this festive holiday season. -Stray.
Celou101's deviantart:
My FaceBook:
My YouTube:
Monday, December 2, 2013
Yea.... Snow here, fog there, people being total tools over there, "On our right you will see a woman being a total tool to a man that has helped for the past ten years, only now that he needs help she is nowhere to be seen..." Sorry, just blowing off some steam, also just wanted to wish you guys a very merry Christmas season so far, things are starting to get back into the groove of being normal once more.
So! In tradition of "Interesting Life" I will start presenting festive treats for the next month or so, until the 2014 year kicks in and we all go look at our "What do I say but not want to do" lists for the year. Pfff, mine will be try to get better at coordinating where things are going. Anyways, for this morning where I am currently writing, and drinking coffee I want show you a silly little animation that made me giggle.
CarbotAnimation is pretty good for what he does, but this video is from 11 months ago so at least give the guy some slack. "StarCrafts Ep19 Christmas Special" is a twist on the old Grinch stole Christmas story, you know the one that they show every year on HBO?
So please click on the link below for the laughs and giggles, subscribe and like while following me for the latest news. Also, any comments, questions, or complaints that you just want to send me? Send them my way and I will answer, comment, and complain right back. -Stray.
So! In tradition of "Interesting Life" I will start presenting festive treats for the next month or so, until the 2014 year kicks in and we all go look at our "What do I say but not want to do" lists for the year. Pfff, mine will be try to get better at coordinating where things are going. Anyways, for this morning where I am currently writing, and drinking coffee I want show you a silly little animation that made me giggle.
CarbotAnimation is pretty good for what he does, but this video is from 11 months ago so at least give the guy some slack. "StarCrafts Ep19 Christmas Special" is a twist on the old Grinch stole Christmas story, you know the one that they show every year on HBO?
So please click on the link below for the laughs and giggles, subscribe and like while following me for the latest news. Also, any comments, questions, or complaints that you just want to send me? Send them my way and I will answer, comment, and complain right back. -Stray.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it...

So after a couple days of back and forth messages I finally got back the interview which we here at "Interesting Life" are so into, doing what you love. His interview is both going to be on here and on my newgrounds account. So please click on the link below to subscribe and like while following me for the latest in news. -Stray.
1. When did you first start getting interesting into animations?
When I was 9 years old, (1998) because My family bought our first computer And I used MS PowerPoint for creating animation and games, I was really exited because before that I was only able to do comics.
2. What was your first animation about anyways?
2. What was your first animation about anyways?
My first animation was about Mario and Sonic, in an adventure to fight the forces of evil together (not in the Olympics) It was made with PowerPoint,
Later when I was 11 (2001) I did my first animation with Macromedia Director, it was only about sonic racing the Powerpuffgirls.
The first time that I animated original characters was when I was 13 (2003) About Grampa and Saka , both characters also appear on acceptable quality animations like Love 2 Death (2010 in Spanish)(2011 in English)
Later when I was 11 (2001) I did my first animation with Macromedia Director, it was only about sonic racing the Powerpuffgirls.
The first time that I animated original characters was when I was 13 (2003) About Grampa and Saka , both characters also appear on acceptable quality animations like Love 2 Death (2010 in Spanish)(2011 in English)
3. Did all of your animations have a voice actor or were they silent?
Most of them have voice actor, I did a few silent, I think that silent animations are brilliant, because the story is told only with pure animation.
4. Was there a time that you wanted to quit, and why?
I never wanted to quit, Cartoons are my life. but when I've got a full time job, I cant handle time for my own animations.
5. Do we (the audience) really get to go for time travel or was that a tease?
Well I don't want to spoiler anyone, but the reason why Mark wants to built the Time travel machine is for something personal, he don't wants to travel to meet Jesus or change the world ( that would be Art,because he wants to be the best artist in the world) Mark wants to travel to his own past.
6. What do you like to do on your time off?
I like to spend time with my family and friends, go hiking and feel the nature or just play VideoGames or talk about Cartoons and Anime with my friends.
7. Do you have any last words for those aspiring to do something like this?
If you LOVE it, go ahead !
Thanks for the review! :D
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